Over the last 23 years we have seen our elephant heard increase from 200 to over 600 based on the last survey. We share the herd with South Africa and Botswana. But at any given time there are elephants on Sentinel, mainly because of water management.
We generally have two bulls , and one tusk-less on quota each year on Sentinel Main on the Limpopo River. We have maintained a 90% harvest success on bulls and a 100% on tusk-less cows. All elephant hunting is exciting, but tusk-less hunts are a challenge as they are usually in a herd. We usually get one or two permits for the Wape property. These elephants come in from Gonarezhou and are huge body wise, and occasionally sport some impressive ivory.
Our elephant hunts are very reasonable price wise, as we can’t offer big tuskers. The average ivory is in the upper 30’s low 40’s per side on Sentinel, but can be bigger on Wape.
There is one elephant left for 2023 on Sentinel, and one bull is available on Wape for 2023. e-mail for updated availability and pricing chuck@burntpine-travel.com
Sentinel/Wape offer the best value in elephant hunting!

Merrels Elephant 2022